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The Progress of the ISO Certification System and Certification Service Industry - Mr II - Geun OH
작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2015-01-07 조회수 : 1546
첨부파일 The Progress of the ISO Certification System and Certification Service Industry - Mr II Geun OH.pdf [77건 다운로드]
Presenter : Mr Il-Geun OH

 * Currently Visiting Professor of Seoul National University

 * Currently Chair of CMC (Communication and Marketing Committee) of PAC (Pacific Accreditation Cooperation)

 * Former Chief Executive of KAB (Korea Accreditation Board)

 * Former Director General in the Government of Korea

 * Performed a Major Role in Establishing Long-Term National Policy for Emerging Industries especially emphasizing the

   Higer Value-Added Knowledge-Based Service Industries

 * Performed a Major Role in Recovering the Order in the Community of the ISO Certifications Accredited by Foreign 

   Accreditation Bodies and in Reshaping the National System of Certifications

 * Delivered Efforts to Put into Practice the Concept of Fusion of Disciplines between Technology and Management

 * Accumulated Abundant Onsite Work Experiences in Diverse Workplaces including Universities, Industries,

   Research Institutes, Governments, and Presidential Office of Korea

 * Obtained Ph. D. in Engineering Mechanics with Specialty of Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Complicated Systems

    from VPI&SU (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

 * Obtained Master Degree in Business Administration in E-Business Management with Specialty in Fused Management

   System after Engineering Degrees of Master and Ph. D.

 * Take a Proactive Role in the International Arena on behalf of the Korea in the Fields at Infant Stages

Topic of master-class : Standards, Certification, and Accreditation Combined with Management Consultancy, especially in E-Business Management

Description of a master-class : Chair of CMC (Communication and Marketing Committee) of PAC (Pacific Accreditation Cooperation)

Former Chief Executive of KAB (Korea Accreditation Board)

Former Director General in the Government of Korea

Value for participants : Especially in E-Business Management Consultancy with Accredited Certifications


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