[NGO NEWS:] DESA NGO News - December 2014 | ||
작성자 : 관리자 | 작성일 : 2015-01-07 | 조회수 : 1360 |
Dear Trustees, Presidents, Chairmen and Directors,
Kindly find forwarded below the DESA NGO News – December 2014.
Our relationship as ICMCI with the NGO enables us to receive many notifications from them to include newsletters and updates. The following is one such, which we feel may of interest to some of our trustees and IMCs.
Best Regards,
Reema Nasser
Executive Director
Tel: +962 795 693935
Skype: reema.nasser
Van: NGO News [mailto:ngonews@un.org]
Verzonden: woensdag 31 december 2014 19:14
Onderwerp: [NGO NEWS:] DESA NGO News - December 2014
Verzonden: woensdag 31 december 2014 19:14
Onderwerp: [NGO NEWS:] DESA NGO News - December 2014
DESA NGO News — 31 December 2014
web version
Our monthly newsletter is currently available online in English, French and Spanish. You can also visit our website for up-to-date information in French, Spanish and Arabic.

From everyone in the NGO Branch, wishing you a very happy holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
Audio versions of "Working with ECOSOC - an NGO Guide to Consultative Status" booklet now available in English and French
"Working with ECOSOC" is an informational booklet that briefs Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on the benefits of establishing a consultative relationship with ECOSOC, as well as providing instructions on how to obtain this status within the framework provided by ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31.
Apart from PDFs in English, French, Portuguese, Korean and Japanese, it is now available as an audio guide (MP3s) in English and French. In a friendly language and modern tone, the guide intends to show the multi-dimensional benefits of working with ECOSOC and how NGOs can maximize their contribution to the United Nations.
Reminder: Pre-registration for CSW59 is open
Official pre-registration for the fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, to be held from 9 to 20 March 2015 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, is open through 27 January 2015. NGOs that are accredited to and in good standing with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) may designate representatives to attend the annual sessions of the CSW. To pre-register your representative(s), please go to http://bit.ly/113e3tc
All participants must be pre-registered by 27 January 2015.
Reminder: Deadline approaching for requests to make oral statements at the Fifty-Third Session of the Commission for Social Development
Only NGOs in general and special ECOSOC consultative status may make oral presentations during the general debate at the Commission for Social Development. Oral presentations should be based on the priority theme of the Session: "Rethinking and strengthening social development in the contemporary world".
The deadline for submitting requests is 23 January 2015. Please see the instructions for submitting requests to make oral presentations.
26 January-4 February: Committee on NGOs, 2015 Regular Session
The 2015 Regular Session of the Committee on NGOs is expected to consider new applications for status by NGOs as well as applications deferred from earlier sessions. It will also review quadrennial reports of NGOs in general or special consultative status. The Committee is expected to meet again on 13 February 2015 to adopt its report of the session. This session's recommendations will be sent to the Economic and Social Council for its approval in April 2015.
2-13 February: Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) 8th Session
The Committee will meet in Geneva and will examine the reports of the following countries during its 8th session: Armenia, Mexico and Serbia. It will also consider lists of issues for Iraq and Montenegro.
4-13 February: The Fifty-Third Session of the Commission for Social Development
The Fifty-Third Session of the Commission for Social Development will take place from 4 to 13 February 2015 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Priority Theme of the session is "Rethinking and strengthening social development in the contemporary world".
On 3 February 2015, a day prior to the opening of the session, a Civil Society Forum will be convened at UN Headquarters. The Forum is hosted jointly by UNDESA-DSPD, the NGO Committee for Social Development and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Please note that the outcome of the Forum will be presented at the first plenary meeting of the Commission, immediately following the introduction of the Priority Theme.
9-20 March: 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59)
The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 to 20 March 2015.
The main focus of the session will be on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, including current challenges that affect its implementation and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The Commission will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. The review (Beijing+20) will also include the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly, the first five-year assessment conducted after the adoption of the Platform for Action, which highlighted further actions and initiatives.
The session will also address opportunities for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women in the post-2015 development agenda.
30 March-1 April: ECOSOC Integration Segment
The 2015 Integration Segment, chaired by His Excellency Vladimir Drobnjak, P. R. of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations and Vice-President of ECOSOC, will bring together Heads of States and Governments, ministers, governors, mayors, the United Nations system, the tripartite constituents of the International Labour Organization, civil society, academia and the private sector. The segment will focus on “achieving sustainable development through employment creation and decent work for all.”
7-13 April: 48th Session of the Commission on Population and Development
The 48th session of the Commission on Population and Development will take place from 13 to 17 April 2015 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Priority Theme of the session is "Realizing the future we want: integrating population issues into sustainable development, including the post-2015 development agenda."
ECOSOC Main page
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ECOSOC on Facebook
NGO Liaison Office, United Nations Office at Geneva
United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)
UN Department of Public Information, NGO Relations
OHCHR Civil Society Section
OHCHR Civil Society Update Subscription
Committee on NGOs Home Page
How to Apply for Consultative Status
How to Submit a Quadrennial Report
How to obtain a UN Grounds Pass
Ask a question on my organization's status
ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31
Learn how to participate in the work of the United Nations
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