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ICMCI CMC Today - December 2014
작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2014-12-28 조회수 : 1
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Building a trusted community of professional colleagues around the world
ICMCI ExCom Update
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  The Commercial Necessities of ICMCI
As management consultants, we all know that budgeting follows strategy. I have been delighted to see that we, as global family, have been overcoming many of the "we-they" attitudes of the past to come together with an unified vision of the future.

Click here for the video presentation.
CMC Toolkit
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  CMC - Global Institute now "Open for Business"
I am delighted, as Chair of CMC-Global Institute, to announce that CMC-GI is now enrolling members, and will soon be certifying members as CMC-GI. 
CMC-Canada - Earning Through Learning e-learning Modules
eCornell open enrolment professional development courses allow you to create a schedule to meet your personal needs - we have courses that begin every month. 
More/to register>>
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  Choose Carefully - You Live or Die by the People you Hire & Promote!
© ICMCI & Doug Macnamara, CMC
In today's challenging business environment, we are witnessing more layoffs, hiring freezes, and restructurings. Yet, opportunities are still there. High performers must still be attracted, retained, groomed and promoted. Now, more than ever, your choice on who to hire or promote into a senior leadership role, or how to advance people up a more technical path, is critical.

So much education, so little competence
Why is it, that at a time when we have the most educated leaders and population in history, we still have so much trouble effectively leading change, making decisions with appropriate ethics, motivating teams, supporting innovation, thinking and acting strategically, and calling forth the ingenuity required to solve our pressing challenges - even at the most senior levels?
What's in a Job Title?
©​ ICMCI & Doug Macnamara, CMC
As you and your partner walk into the weekend social gathering you realize you will have to introduce yourself to others. Your mind races - what should I say? "Hello, I am Doug, father of Robert and Leah" - for some that might be the best intro. "Hello I am Doug, 1st husband of Liane" - for others that would definitely be most valueable! "Hello, I am Doug, outdoor enthusiast, explorer of culture and arts, international man of mystery." - Likely closest to the truth, but will they care? No. What most people want to know - indeed they will politely press you again and again to find out - is what you do for a living. What is your job title?

In today's society, we have become significantly defined by our job titles. And, we often define ourselves by our titles. Not that I think this is healthy, however this has become particularly clear in the work we do with executives in transition or when recruiting new employees.
Caught in the Action!
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  AMCOR - CMC Romania and EBRD (the European Bank for reconstruction and Development) held their joint conference "Management Consultancy - Innovating your Business" Nov 14, 2014. The event took place at Howard Johnson Hotel, in the Iridium Hall, starting from 9am.
CMC Int'l Conference 
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  "Innovation in Consultancy - Global Examples, Local Effects"
22-23 Sept - CMC International Conference
24-26 Sept - ICMCI Congress
26-28 Sept - Post Congress Tour

Next year, IMC Netherlands will host the CMC International Conference and ICMCI Annual Congress. 

IMC Share Zone
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  Institute of Management Consultants - New Zealand Announces First ICMCI Academic Fellow Designation

APCO - CMC Italy Champions European Manifesto for CMC Contribution to Knowledge-driven Economy
Click here for the Manifesto document
Ethics and Counseling: A Winning Combination for the Economic Revitalization of Italy
Interview Reema Nasser, Executive Director ICMCI: A consultant who has been awarded the CMC has met world class standards of competence, ethics and independence
See full interview in the Romanian financial magazine Finantare.ro.

The Business Exchange
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  Professional Development Management-tour to Companies of Silicon Valley
April 2015

IMC Ukraine in collaboration with FastForward is organizing a practical (not entertaining) excursion. During the innovation management tour Silicon Valley, you will have the opportunity to visit world-famous IT companies (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Zappos), a start-up incubators (500 Startups), and Famous Retail (Walmart, Starbucks) and Finance Companies (Wells Fargo).
January 2015
January 23-24, 2015  
IMC - India, Annual Convention
"Building a Globally Competitive and Sustainable Organization"
Hyberabad, India""
September 2015
September 22-28, 2015  
2015 CMC International Conference & ICMCI Congress
"Innovation in Consultancy - Global Examples, Local Effects"
Noordwijk, The Netherlands""
March 2015
March 26-28, 2015  
Asia - Pacific ICMCI Hub Meeting
Surfer's Paradise, Queensland, Australia
June 2015
Early June (TBD), 2015  
European ICMCI Hub Meeting
Bologna, Italy
2014-15 CMC Today Publishing Schedule & Themes
Publishing Month Theme
July - August Leadership
Sept - October Information Technology & Organizational Effectiveness Software
Nov - December Human Resources & Training
Jan - Febraury Internal Processes/Systems/Quality-BPR/Productivity
March - April Governance
May - June Government/Community/Public Relations
Please submit articles, photos, business exchange requests, etc., addressing the theme of each issue, by the 10th day of the first of the two Publishing Months to: cmctoday@icmci.org.
Quick Quiz
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"" Hiring People for Excellence
As a senior leader, one of the great joys in life is to watch someone you've hired, blossom in their role, become a high-performer, advance their career and motivate other colleagues to similar performance. The opposite is very painful! This quiz will get you thinking about your practices in recruiting terrific talent.
Q 1 – When recruiting, do you see each opportunity as one to "power-build" the organization for the future? Do you:
- Update the Job Description with a future focus?
- Clarify competencies, experience, knowledge attributes desired forward (vs. the same as past)?
- Identify personality dynamics for "fit" and advancement of the team?
- Frame the job opportunity as one to "add-value" to clients and the organization - and set these expectations from the start - in Job Ad, early interview Q's, Follow-up proposal from short-listed candidates?
Video or Audio Blog
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  Christmas Greetings
This month's video blogs bring Christmas & Holiday Greetings from around the world.

Vasantha Chase
Caribbean Institute of Certified Management Consultants

Glenn Yonemitsu
ICMCI Trustee - Canada

Giuseppe Bruni
President - APCO (Italian Association of Management Consultants)

John Bielenberg
President - IMCA (Institute of Management Consultants in Australia)
"" © 2014 International Council of Management Consulting Institutes. All Rights Reserved.
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